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- Sphero Edu Sprk+ Unboxing
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Starting in the Fall of 2020, Sphero Edu will no longer support iOS 9. This means Sphero Edu 6.0.0 and above will not be available on Apple devices running iOS 9. Removing iOS 9 support allows us to ensure our app is built using the latest, most secure development features. Sphero Edu and SPRK+ allow you to collaborate with other users around the globe to innovate the world of education and empower anyone to program. Equipped with Bluetooth SMART and a strong scratch-resistant UV coating, SPRK+ takes hands-on learning up a notch. Join the growing community of makers, students, instructors, and parents - all.
The Sphero Authorizer platform is an identity provider for Sphero accounts. Identity providers like Sphero Authorizer allow users to safely share some of their personal information with third-party mobile apps and websites. Sphero built the Authorizer platform to allow its customers to access features and experiences which require an account, without the hassle of creating a new account for each app. Sphero Authorizer can also be used by parents to allow their children to access specific apps, while controlling what information about their child is shared.
Account Basics
Sphero Authorizer accounts can be created from scratch or by importing information from another identity provider like Google. It is important to note that if you create an account from scratch and later sign in using an identity provider, you will have two separate accounts. At this time there is no way merge those accounts.
The Sphero Authorizer platform currently supports Google as a 3rd party identity provider. Additional identity providers may be added in the future.
Managing Your Account

How old do I need to be to create an account?
You must be thirteen years or older to create a Sphero Authorizer account. Children twelve years or younger may have their parent create an account and authorize accounts on their behalf.
How do I sign into my Sphero Authorizer account?
You may sign in directly to the Sphero Authorizer platform by visiting https://accounts.sphero.com/signin in a browser, or by selecting the “Sign in with Sphero Authorizer” option within supported mobile applications and websites.
How do I confirm my account?
After creating your account, the Sphero Authorizer platform will send an account confirmation email using the address you provided during the account creation process. Clicking the link within the email will take you to a special webpage where you can confirm your account. The account confirmation step is required only once.
I never received my account confirmation email.
Sphero Education
If you have not received your email you may request a new one to be sent, by following the steps on this webpage: https://accounts.sphero.com/confirmation/resend.

How do I sign out of my account?
You may sign out of Sphero Authorizer by selecting the sign out link located in the top right corner of the interface.
I think someone hacked my account or is using it without my permission.
If you have lost control of your account, please send an email to abuse@sphero.com and someone will contact you.
My account has become locked.
The Sphero Authorizer platform automatically locks accounts after a certain number of failed sign in attempts. This is done to prevent those with malicious intent from gaining access to an account using a brute-force method. Locked accounts may be unlocked by following the steps on this webpage: https://accounts.sphero.com/unlock/resend.
How do I change my profile image?
The Sphero Authorizer platform uses the Gravatar service to display profile images. You may change your profile image on the Gravatar site. Be sure to use the Gravatar account which has the same email as your Sphero Authorizer account.
How do I change the email address associated with my account?
Once you have signed in, you can change your email address by following the steps on this webpage: https://accounts.sphero.com/account.
It says my email address is already taken.
Email addresses must be unique across all accounts in the Sphero Authorizer platform. Therefore, you cannot create an account which uses an email that is already in the Sphero Authorizer database. If your email already exists, it can mean that you previously created an account from scratch, or you signed in using an identity provider like Google that shared your email address. In either case you can simply reset the password to the account in question to gain access.
How do I cancel my account?
If you decide to cancel your account you may do so by clicking the “delete my account” button on the edit profile screen. https://accounts.sphero.com/account. Deleting your account will also mean that may not be able to sign in to previously authorized apps using the Sphero Authorizer platform.

Managing Your Password
What is an acceptable password strength?
Strong passwords are essential in protecting your account. Therefore, at a minimum all valid Sphero Authorizer passwords must be at least eight characters long and include at least one number and one special character from the following choices !+_-.
How do I change my password?
Once you have logged into the Sphero Authorizer platform, you may change your password by following the steps on this webpage: https://accounts.sphero.com/account.
I forgot my password? Aomei partition assistant.
If you have forgotten your password, you may reset it by following the steps on this webpage: https://accounts.sphero.com/password/forgot.
Can you send me my password without resetting it?
In an effort to ensure the security of our users, all passwords are stored in an encrypted state. It is impossible for the Sphero Authorizer platform to send you a plain-text copy of your password. However, you can choose a new password by following the steps on this webpage: https://accounts.sphero.com/password/forgot.
App Basics
Sphero Authorizer accounts allow you to share select personal details with applications that require them in order to function. In order to access your information, an application creator must first register their mobile app or website with the Sphero Authorizer platform. During the registration, process they must specify all information they need from Sphero Authorizer accounts. No personal data is shared until the Sphero Authorizer user explicitly approves the app request during the app install process.
How do I add an app and share my details? Macscan.
The most common way to add an Authorizer app is to visit a website or install a mobile app that integrates with Sphero Authorizer. Choosing this option will temporarily redirect the user to Sphero Authorizer, where they can decide whether or not to share their information with the requesting application. If the Sphero Authorizer user grants access to the requesting application, they will be redirected back to the requesting site or app, and their personal data will be shared.
Where can I see all the apps I’ve added?
Once you have signed into your Sphero Authorizer account, you can see a list of installed apps by visiting this webpage in a browser: https://accounts.sphero.com/account.
Where can I find a list of available apps?
The Sphero Authorizer platform is not an app store, and therefore does not currently maintain a list of Sphero Authorizer powered apps.
How do I remove an app?
To remove an app simply click the “revoke access” button associated with the app in question. You can find a list of your installed apps by visiting this webpage in a browser: https://accounts.sphero.com/account.
What details are shared with third-party app creators?
Currently the Sphero Authorizer shares first name, last name, screen name, and email address with the requesting app.
How do I approve an app on behalf of my child?
To approve an app on behalf of your child, your child must first sign up for a Sphero Authorizer account. Accounts for children twelve and younger require a screen name, date of birth, and parent’s email address.
The Sphero Authorizer platform will send an email the parent’s email address. The message will contain a link to approve or reject your child’s app request. Clicking the link in the email and following the instructions on the corresponding webpage will allow you to complete this process.
Get Started
Sphero robots are fun, durable and programmable toys! This wiki is a guide to learn how to program Sphero robots with JavaScript, the most common web programming language in the world. You will need a Sphero robot, the Sphero Edu app on a compatible device, and a hunger to learn. If you're learning to program for the first time, the best place to start is our Structured Activities.Why JavaScript?
JavaScript is one of the most popular programming languages in the world. It is very useful for building modern websites, and it’s even possible to build website back-end services with extensions of the language. It was originally created in 1995 by Brendan Eich at Netscape, one of the first internet companies which built a popular web browser in the days of dial-up internet. It was originally named 'Mocha' by the founder of Netscape, Marc Andreessen, one of Silicon Valley’s most famous entrepreneurs.Netscape started working with Sun Microsystems, who developed Java, a popular language that powered apps on early computers, handhelds and cell phones. Both companies were motivated to build a plugin so existing Java apps could run natively inside the increasingly popular web browser so they wouldn't need to be rebuilt. So Netscape created a scripting language similar to the Java syntax so these apps could still be used, and just as important, all the Java programmers could quickly adapt without learning a new language from scratch. The language was also very powerful. Before JavaScript, most web pages were built of purely HTML and CSS; they were very static. JavaScript allowed pages to be more dynamic, use animations, take input from forms, and playback media.
After a period of competing languages on the web, JavaScript won out as the dominant language, and now you can write JavaScript that renders in all modern web browsers, like Chrome, Safari, Firefox and Internet Explorer on a variety of internet connected devices. If you are considering a career in software development, technology, or robotics, it is a valuable language to know as there are a lot of JavaScript jobs available around the world. Even if you aren't pursuing a career in these fields, you'll get to be creative and solve some intriguing problems through programming.
You might have already even programmed a little JavaScript; it powers the Draw and Blocks programming canvases in the Sphero Edu app, and you can view Javascript code behind those programs. Now you will graduate from drawing lines and dragging blocks to writing the text code yourself.
Hello World!
Using your device with the Sphero Edu app, create a new text program, click the ? button in the upper right to access this wiki, and use the Copy button to copy and paste these code samples into the text canvas. Don't forget to aim your robot, and then tap the Start button to see what happens!Sphero Edu Logo
Hello Square!
Now transform your first program into a Square with more logic:
Your code streams in real-time at 20 hertz (times per second) between your device and the robot, instead of running locally on the robot. This is pretty cool for a few reasons. The memory on Sphero robots is very small, so streaming allows you to use your device memory as the only constraint, which on today's mobile devices and computers is basically limitless. Also, it enables you to interact with the program in real-time through sensor data and other inputs. The streaming nature of your program requires async
in certain cases such as before function startProgram()
, indicating that data is transmitted to/from the robot whenever it's needed. One downside of streaming is that some commands are slower due to the latency between the device and robot. For example, running a raw motor command of async raw motor(255, 255, 0.05)
is the fastest (shortest) amount of time you can run raw motor (1s / 20hz = 0.05s). If you used a shorter delay like 0.04s, it would still perform at 0.05s.
Character Case
Most identifiers are tough to describe with one word, so most are 2+ words known as 'compound identifiers.' Programming languages generally don't allow spaces in identifiers, so character case is the method by which you join compound identifiers to deliminate words. There are hundreds of programming languages in the world, but nearly all of them use one of these four joining methods:thisIsCamelCase
Sphero Edu Sprk+ Unboxing
, this-is-spinal-Case
, and this_is_snake_case
. Javascript is case sensitive and uses camelCase
, such as setSpeed
to set the speed.Punctuation
Code needs to be structured so it can be interpreted by the robot, just like the way humans have agreed on punctuation standards in writing. If authors did not write with punctuation rules, readers would have a tough time learning new rules in every book they read. Pay very close attention to the use of these characters or your robot will not be able to 'read' your program:Sphero Play App Kindle
async function startProgram()
starts a program
and }
contain all program code, except for global functions and variables
indicates a comment, and does not affect the program logic. If you have a long comment that spans >1 code line, you need to use this notation on each line
ends a statement
Sphero Educational Login
( )
contains a value
separates values Mozilla html.
a tab space starts the first statement in a program, and subsequent conditions must indent further
Errors tell you when the robot can't interpret your syntax. In the below example, notice thatsetSpeed
is spelled incorrectly. In this case the robot can't read the command and the red error message displays below the erroneous line. Copy this program and fix it so it runs without an error:Data Types
There are different types of data in programming that describe how much space a number occupies in storage and how it's interpreted.Some languages define more data types than others. Javascript uses the follow built-in types:
Most commonly used typesnumber
: values like -7 and 3.14159265359string
: combinations of letters, numbers, and punctuation, like 'Don't be L8 to class.'boolean
: one of the logical values true
or false
Special types with special usesnull
: special value meaning 'defined as nothing.' We'll revisit this idea later.undefined
: another special value meaning, 'this variable has never been defined' or, sometimes, 'this variable was assigned a nonsensical value'symbol
: a relatively new type for advanced users
Javascript also supplies the Object
which we will use to create custom types from the built-in ones.