The Lightning-Smart PHP IDE
JetBrains PhpStorm. 17,893 likes 46 talking about this. PhpStorm is the PHP IDE that actually GETS your code. On-the-fly error prevention, best. PhpStorm is also available as a snap package. If you’re on Ubuntu 16.04 or later, you can install PhpStorm from the command line. Sudo snap install phpstorm -classic.
PhpStorm deeply
understands your code.
Major frameworks support
- PhpStorm 2020.3 adds support for Code With Me – a JetBrains tool for collaborative development and pair programming.
- PhpStorm 2020.3 is a major update that introduces support for PHP 8, PHPStan, Psalm, Tailwind CSS, Xdebug 3, and collaborative development via Code With Me.
PhpStorm is perfect for working with Symfony, Laravel, Drupal, WordPress, Zend Framework, Magento, Joomla!, CakePHP, Yii, and other frameworks.
All the PHP tools
The editor actually 'gets' your code and deeply understands its structure, supporting all the PHP language features for modern and legacy projects. It provides the best code completion, refactorings, on-the-fly error prevention, and more.
Front-end technologies included
Make the most of the cutting edge front-end technologies, such as HTML 5, CSS, Sass, Less, Stylus, CoffeeScript, TypeScript, Emmet, and JavaScript, with refactorings, debugging, and unit testing available. See the changes instantly in the browser thanks to Live Edit.
Built-in developer tools
Perform many routine tasks right from the IDE, thanks to the Version Control Systems integration, support for remote deployment, databases/SQL, command-line tools, Docker, Composer, REST Client, and many other tools.
PhpStorm = WebStorm + PHP + DB/SQL
All the features in WebStorm are included into PhpStorm, with full-fledged support for PHP and Databases/SQL support added on top.
Intelligent Coding Assistance
Hundreds of inspections take care of verifying your code as you type, analyzing the whole project. PHPDoc support, code (re)arranger and formatter, quick-fixes, and other features help you write neat code that is easy to maintain.
Smart Code Navigation
Be the master of your codebase thanks to the efficient, lightning-fast navigation features. The IDE understands where you want to go and gets you there instantly.
Fast and Safe Refactoring
Refactor your code reliably with the safe Rename, Move, Delete, Extract Method, Inline Variable, Push members Up / Pull members Down, Change Signature, and many other refactorings. Language-specific refactorings help you perform project-wide changes in a matter of clicks, which can all be safely undone.
Easy Debugging and Testing
PhpStorm is renowned for its zero-configuration Visual Debugger, providing extraordinary insight into what goes on in your application at every step. It works with Xdebug and Zend Debugger, and can be used both locally and remotely. Unit Testing with PHPUnit, BDD with Behat and profiler integration are all also available.
What’s new in PhpStorm 2021.1
Code With Me for pair programming
Code With Me, a new JetBrains service for collaborative development and pair programming, is now bundled with PhpStorm. It allows you to share the project you currently have open in your IDE with others and work on it together in real time.
Built-in preview for HTML and PHP files
With PhpStorm 2021.1, you can get a live-edit experience out of the box, there is no need to set anything up. It works for HTML and linked CSS, JS files, as well as for simple PHP files which will be rendered with a local PHP interpreter.
New inspections to help detect bugs
PhpStorm adds 20+ new inspections to help prevent possible bugs at early stages. It also comes with quick-fixes to make adjustments to code and small refactorings with one use of Alt+Enter.
Meet the PhpStorm community
@geeh @phpstorm I'm hooked mate. I've been so productive lately it's silly. Keep up the great work.
@phpstorm's code completion is incredibly useful.
@phpstorm is magical... in a good way. I find myself saying 'oh that's convenient' over and over.
If you are developing in PHP and are not using PhpStorm, you are working too hard.
'I'm so spoiled by PhpStorm!'
Join over 600,000
happy PhpStorm users
Early Access ProgramPhpStorm 2020.3 Beta is now available!
Below is a roundup of the most notable new features for the upcoming 2020.3 release. The links will take you to the EAP posts published over the last few months, which contain detailed descriptions of each feature.
- Full support for all new PHP 8 features, with inspections to highlight incorrect usage and quick-fixes for migrating your codebase.

- Several custom PHP 8 Attributes are already available in the IDE, including #[Deprecated], #[ArrayShape], #[Immutable], #[Pure], #[ExpectedValues], and #[NoReturn].
Psalm and PHPStan
PhpStorm comes with support for popular static analysis tools and allows using them as first-class tools for highlighting code issues, as well as support for Psalm annotations and types.
Xdebug 3
The major update of the Xdebug PHP debugger extension, Xdebug 3, is supported in PhpStorm. Whether you use an older version or the new Xdebug 3, PhpStorm works fine with both. The IDE handles configuration variance for you.
Code With Me
PhpStorm 2020.3 adds support for Code With Me – a JetBrains tool for collaborative development and pair programming.
Tailwind CSS
The popular framework for UI development is supported in PhpStorm 2020.3. The support comes with autocompletion for classes in the @apply
directive and for pseudo-class variants, and much more.
HTTP Client
- You can now run Guzzle requests with PhpStorm’s built-in HTTP client in one click.
- Requests from the HTTP client can be copied as a cURL string to be used elsewhere.
- The Markdown editor now supports previewing Mermaid.js diagrams. Also, the preview window can scroll automatically in sync with the editor area.
- We’ve updated the grammar and spelling checker – it now works faster and provides the most probable fix options for mistakes.
- You can now split the editor by simply dragging and dropping a tab, or with a shortcut from the project view.
- The new preview tab lets you quickly view files without opening them in the editor.
Jetbrains Phpstorm Student License
- The Search Everywhere dialog has received a number of improvements: support for math operations, searching through Git log, and renewed grouping.
- The IDE can switch to a light or dark theme automatically depending on your OS settings.
- A new system shortcut keymap for macOS simplifies shortcuts by minimizing the usage of function keys for main actions.
- Plugins can be enabled and disabled per project to save resources.
Jetbrains Phpstorm License Key
Version Control
- Git stage support is now available but disabled by default.
Web Technologies
- All TypeScript related things are now integrated into the Problems tool window instead of a separate TypeScript tool window.
- We’ve added the ability to create a React component from an unresolved reference.
These are just the most important enhancements in the upcoming PhpStorm 2020.3. If you’d like to learn more, check out the What’s coming in PhpStorm 2020.3 playlist on our YouTube channel, JetBrainsTV.
Note that Beta builds are significantly more stable than EAP builds, but there will probably still be some issues. If you run into any, please report them to our issue tracker. No license is required to use this build.
The JetBrains PhpStorm team
The Drive to Develop