Pass the time definition: to do something to keep busy while waiting:. Definition of PASS BY (phrasal verb): go past; not be noticed by someone; opportunity: not be taken. 8 a: happen, occur commenting freely on the transactions as they pass — W. B: to take place or be exchanged as or in a social, personal, or business interaction words passed. To move, travel, or proceed past someone or something. In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between 'pass' and 'by.' We passed by a number of cute houses on our tour of the neighborhood. Turn left after you pass by the old church in the middle of town.

with each passing day
As time continues to pass, day by day. House prices continue to climb with each passing day. I'm worried we might get priced out of the market completely if we don't hurry!The patient's condition worsened with each passing day.

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2015 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.
with each passing day
as days pass, one by one; day by day. Things grow more expensive with each passing day. We are all growing older with each passing day.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

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A virtual pass given to a friend to excuse him from something for the remainder of the day. The phrase 'Day Pass' is generally used in a sentence and expressed as giving the 'Pass' to a friend in order to excuse them from having to perform a duty and/or chore.
'I've said bless you twice now for sneezing, so I think I get a Day Pass so I don't have to do it again.'
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v. collectively or individually finding someone/something to blame for a problem, as opposed to brainstorming which connotes finding solutions to a problem
n. the act of finding someone/something to blame for a problem
(from a TV ad for HD television)
n. the act of finding someone/something to blame for a problem
(from a TV ad for HD television)
The committee commenced blamestorming over the situation rather than seeking solutions to the problem.
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Apr 25 trending
Take A Pass Meaning
- 1. Watermelon Sugar
- 2. Ghetto Spread
- 3. Girls who eat carrots
- 4. sorority squat
- 5. Durk
- 6. Momala
- 7. knocking
- 8. Dog shot
- 9. sputnik
- 10. guvy
- 11. knockin'
- 12. nuke the fridge
- 13. obnoxion
- 14. Eee-o eleven
- 15. edward 40 hands
- 16. heels up
- 17. columbus
- 18. ain't got
- 19. UrbDic
- 20. yak shaving
- 21. Rush B Cyka Blyat
- 22. Pimp Nails
- 23. Backpedaling
- 24. Anol
- 25. got that
- 26. by the way
- 27. Wetter than an otter's pocket
- 28. soy face
- 29. TSIF
- 30. georgia rose